Drone Fishing

  As someone who often does way too much and who has his hands in way too many pies at any one time, I am used to doing one project today and then a totally separate endeavor the next.  But with... Read More

Cook Islands Preparation Update #2 Yesterday 07/21/15 After further investigation, we found that many of our ROVs had several small nicks in the wires. This allowed salt water to enter the plastic jac... Read More

Another awesome day!

In complete contrast with last trip to Santa Rosa Island, things have gone quite well! The rest of our intertidal team arrived and brought us a patch kit for the boat, and it’s holding air! We h... Read More

Up and Running!

The Air and Aquatic Robot Research team is part of Dr. Sean Anderson’s PIRATE lab and is a multidisciplinary group of faculty and undergraduates in the fields of Biology, Environmental Science a... Read More