We write our own posts here in AARR, but I wanted to draw your attention to a great discussion piece written by our friend Chris Korody and published in his weekly newsletter Dronin’ On (which y...Read More
Our 2017 Drone Data Race is just around the corner. We are starting to see a growing number of stories and expanding array of inquiries about our first-ever Drone Data Race here on our CSU Channel I...Read More
It is that time of year again! Time for our 3rd Annual CSU Channel Islands/AARR/ESRM 370 Drone Poll. Please take our anonymous poll. This year we are offering our poll in both English a...Read More
May the 4th Be With Us Apparently the FAA is populated by Star Wars fans as they took this unofficial Star Wars Day to give a huge nod of support to students learning to loose their earthly gravitati...Read More
As someone who often does way too much and who has his hands in way too many pies at any one time, I am used to doing one project today and then a totally separate endeavor the next. But with...Read More
A fun conference Our AARR Team was graciously invited to be a part of this year’s annual conference for the Gold Coast Science Network. This professional society for K-12 educators across our regi...Read More
Please consider taking our brief poll about UAV perceptions and uses. This poll is for anyone, open to all regardless of any previous experience with UAV. Please take a few minutes to take it and...Read More
Check out the newly announced XPRIZE, unveiled yesterday in San Francisco: The Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE seeks to usher in a new era of deep exploration of the oceans. This will both help with/...Read More
This past Saturday several members of our AARR Team trekked down to the Los Angeles Convention Center in downtown Los Angeles. We checked out the second annual International Drone Expo, a mixture of...Read More