This past Friday, the California Coastal Commission met in Port Hueneme for a comparatively brief meeting which covered a really interesting variety of topics spanning everything from the Rindge Dam removal and beach-permitted sediment deposition in the wake of the Montecito mudslides to development woes in Venice Beach and testimony claiming an FBI agent argued that “murder wasn’t a crime.”  But before the Commission started digging into those management challenges, they launched the meeting with invited public testimony from CAUSE and our very own ESRM Program to provide overviews of our respective local management efforts.

ESRM Work Is Commission-Relevant

You can also view the State of California’s official video archive of our presentation here (jump to 15:30 to see our presentation), starting with some kind works from Executive Director Jack Ainsworth.

Discussions and Networking

Following the formal meeting, Commissioners, staff, and the general public had an opportunity to view and array of ESRM student posters and discuss ESRM scholarship.  Several of our students were able to chat with and even get some great new contacts for either their ongoing research or post-graduation careers.

Matt Wells discussed his coastal-bluff erosion work in San Diego County.
Shelby Palasik presented her geomorphology work on Santa Rosa Island.
Mike Monak discussed his efforts to better understand changing beach shape and sediment dynamics.

Next Steps

We are excited to continue the conversation a variety of partners we met at the meeting and have more detailed potential collaboration discussions in the coming weeks and months.  All of this was thanks for our own Dr. Dan Reineman who reached out to the Commission and the Commission’s Deanna Christensen who spearheaded the invite and all the logistics for getting us to the meeting and on the agenda.

Looking for more?

Many of the topics we touched on are mentioned at some point on our array of webpages.  Feel free to browse around.  If you can’t find what you are looking for, feel free to reach out to us:

Dr. Anderson’s PIRatE Lab

Dr. Patsch’s Lab

Dr. Steele’s Lab

Dr. Reineman’s Lab

AARR Lab Group

Oil Spill History and Toxicology Blog


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